3 Foods To Eat For Naturally Whiter Teeth

When you get your braces, some people might tell you that they make your teeth look yellow.
That’s not actually true, but if you don’t clean your teeth properly while you’re receiving orthodontic treatment (a common mistake) you will end up with plaque buildup on your teeth, and that can make your teeth look yellow.
As long as you’re brushing and cleaning your teeth regularly, your pearly whites should stay pearly and white.
Meanwhile, here are 3 foods you can eat to naturally whiten your teeth:
Eat Strawberries for Whiter Teeth
Strawberries contain an ingredient called malic acid that has been shown to help whiten teeth.
In fact, a longstanding home remedy for teeth whitening involves making a paste from strawberries and baking soda and applying that to your teeth for a naturally whiter smile.
Keep in mind that berries contain sugar, though…
It’s smart to brush after every meal, but be sure that you give your teeth a quick brush after chowing down on fruits like strawberries so that the natural sugars don’t cause decay.
Broccoli is Nature’s Toothbrush
When you have braces, raw broccoli might not seem like the best food, but if your teeth aren’t sore and you’re careful about biting, a snack of raw broccoli can be an effective way to keep your smile healthy.
Chewing raw broccoli helps clean your teeth in the same way that your dog’s dentabone keeps their chompers healthy.
Broccoli also helps ward of staining, bacteria, and acid erosion because of the high levels of iron in the cruciferous veggies.
Consult with your orthodontist before you start chowing down on lots of raw vegetables. Biting into broccoli stems, carrots, and other crunchy foods can pop off your brackets if you’re not careful.
Aged Cheese Prevents Tooth Decay
In small amounts, cheese can add important nutrients to your healthy diet, and it also helps prevent tooth decay and stains.
Aged cheeses contain lactic acid, a natural compound that helps your teeth stay resilient and healthy.
Hard aged cheeses, especially those with thick rinds, can also help dislodge food particles and can polish the surface of your teeth in the same way that cruciferous vegetables act like edible toothbrushes.
Again, be careful eating hard cheeses or other foods that require a lot of chewing while you’re wearing braces. If you’re unsure or your mouth is sore, stay away from hard cheese.
When you’re wondering what to eat when your braces feel sore, click that link. We put together a list of foods you might consider.