Adult Braces: What Are My Options?

Braces aren’t just for kids and teens! In fact, adult braces are common than ever, and in some parts of the world, people are beginning to treat braces as a fashion accessory.
Many adults don’t even realize that braces or aligners are an option until they take their child to the orthodontist for treatment.
As long as you have teeth, it’s never too late for orthodontic treatment. There are even options for adults with overbites, underbites, missing teeth, and other severe malocclusions. Even though the adult jaw is done growing, modern orthodontic treatment methods can still create a beautiful smile.
If you’re an adult thinking about straightening your teeth, here are some of your possible treatment options.
Adult Braces
The traditional metal braces you probably picture when someone talks about orthodontic treatment have gotten much more advanced over the years.
Modern metal brackets are more comfortable and durable. They’re made of metal alloys that respond to the heat in your mouth, which causes them to apply a steady, moderate pressure to move your teeth. These alloys resist stretching out like stainless steel braces do, so you need fewer tightening appointments to get a great result.
Even the more advanced brackets still look like metal braces, though.
If you’re looking for more discrete options, ceramic braces might work for you. Ceramic braces are a tiny bit larger than metal brackets, but the ceramic pieces are the same color as your teeth so they’re far less noticeable.
Lingual braces, which are applied to the backs of your teeth, are another option for less obvious treatment. They can be more uncomfortable than other treatment options, but they’re also less expensive than ceramic braces or Invisalign.
Clear Aligners for Adults
Invisalign is a popular option for adults because the clear aligners can be removed for things like public speaking, photos, and meals. Even when wearing the clear trays, it’s difficult to see the appliances at all.
While Invisalign is a popular choice, these types of aligners aren’t suitable to treat all types of malocclusions. For example, they’re not good at creating vertical movement, nor are they great at rotating teeth that need to be turned more than a little. Check with your orthodontist to find out if Invisalign is a treatment option for you.
Even if you have alignment issues that require brackets to fix, you may be able to wear metal or ceramic brackets for a portion of your treatment, then switch to aligners later.
Invisalign tends to be a little bit more expensive than brackets. Over the course of treatment, most patients find Invisalign to be very affordable, so ask about insurance coverage or payment options available from your orthodontist. You’re likely to find that treatment is far more attainable than you think!