3 Mistakes That Make Your Braces Take Longer

How long do braces take? That’s a question with no easy answer. Every mouth is different, and depending on your particular malocclusions, the appliances you choose, and how well you adhere to your orthodontist’s recommendations, your treatment time might be shorter or longer. When you sit down with your orthodontist for an initial consult, he…

Do You Still Need Dentist Visits With Braces?

While you have braces, you’ll have regular appointments with your orthodontists for adjustments. Since you’re seeing your orthodontist regularly, do you really need to keep seeing your regular dentist? There’s a big difference between dentist appointments and adjustments with your orthodontist, and both are important. Why You Need Dentist Appointments During Orthodontic Treatment Even though…

3 Reasons to Smile Today

As an orthodontist’s practice, smiles are our business. We believe that the world is a better place when everyone shares more smiles, so in that spirit, we’re sharing 3 reasons to smile to start 2018 with positivity and happiness. Share this post with someone who needs a smile today! 1: A Formerly Homeless Dog Breaks…

Why Are Braces Important?

You already know that braces straighten your teeth, but do you know why that’s so important for your overall health? Getting a straight, even smile is important for more than just your looks. Sure, having a beautiful smile is great for your confidence, and there are even links to improved job performance and better personal…

How Do Braces Work?

When your teeth are crooked or your bite is less than perfect, your orthodontist will usually recommend using braces or clear aligners to correct the problem. Your treatment will include multiple visits for adjustments or a new set of aligners, and once your teeth are pretty much where they’re supposed to be, you’ll be fitted…